Sunday 21 June 2015

System Tap

System tap

System tap is a profiling tool that allows you to hook or probe live kernel and find out various information without recompilation of kernel.
Most important work you can do with system tap is to find out execution time of particular code block or function ,also you can print values passed to functions or local variables.

Following are short notes I have taken.These will provide you pointers to find out other relevant information on google :)

Stab -L 'kernel.trace("*")'
Return all possible probe points
Look through tab sets
Sample examples

Installation :

1.       Install -devel,-debuginfo,-debuginfo-common-arch
2.       yum install systemtap systemtap-runtime

Sample code :

stab -v -e `probe { printf("read performed\n");exit()}`

Commonly used commands :

Find error while running script
Send output to filename
-S size,count
Limit size of log and count
-x PID
SystemTap handler function target() to PID
-c command
Set SystemTab handler target () to specific command ( use full path " stap script  -c /bin/cp " )
Script string rather than file
Make script background process


These are the events we can possibly probe :

1.       Entering or leaving function
2.       Time expiration
3.       Session expiration

General syntax :

Probe event { stmt }

File extension

Functions :
function  function_name (arg) { stmt }
Probe event { function_name(args) }

EVENTS description :

Synchronous Events :

·         Process Executes and instruction
·   Examples
·   Syscall.system_call - enter in call
·   Syscall.close.return - return from call
·   Vfs.file_operation
·   Kernel.function("Function")
      • Probe kernel.function("@net/socket.c").return
·   Kernel.trace("point")-specific trace point
      • Kernel.trace("kfree_skb")
·   Module("ext3").fucntion("*").return

Asynchronous Event :

Not tied to particular instruction or location
Counters , timers etc.

·         Begin
·         End
·         Timer event
o    Probe timer.s/ms/us/hz/jiffies(number)

Example of timer

Probe timer.s(5)

Note : we can use * wild card character

Systemtap Body

probe begin
exit()    //exit script or use ctrl+c


Functions we can use as argument

Tid() tread
Uid() user
Gettimeofday_s()-seconds since epoch
Ctime() -date
Pp()-prope point being habdled

probe syscall.* { 
 // all system calls
if (pid() == target())
 // target() specify name supplied while running script
printf("%s/n", name)
 // name prints system call name

HELP !!!

Man stapprobes
For probes
Man stapfuncs
For function

various construct of system tap script :
Conditional statements
If else
Conditional operator
== , <= ,>= ,!=
Command line argument
$<arg num> - number
@<arg num > - string
Associative array
Examples :
foo["tom"] = 23
foo["dick"] = 24
foo["harry"] = 25
device[pid(),execname(),uid(),ppid(),"W"] = devname
NOTE : All associative array must be declared global

foo[tid()] = gettimeofday_s()
Sets time value to TID

Foreach examples to print array contains :

probe timer.s(3)


foreach (count in reads- limit 10)
Here - indicate print in descending order of values and limit
Indicate number of 1st elements to print
printf("%s : %d \n", count, reads[count])

delete reads
Removes all elements from array

Check for member in array

if(["stapio"] in reads) {
Checks whether  stapio is in array
printf("stapio read detected, exiting\n")



Statistical aggregate

Add multiple values to same key / element
global reads



reads[execname()] <<< count
Add multiple values  of amount of data written

Extract data collected by statistical aggregate

Syntax :
@extractor(variable/array index expression).extractor

Extractor :
Return number of elements
Return total
Smallest among all
Largest among all
Average of all


Pre-written probes and functions to be used
Examples :